Giving Others The Chance to Lead

The body of the post below was first posted in October of 2011. It followed a weekend which I was away from my church and another worship staff member planned and led the service. I have edited the post replacing the Sunday Setlist from October 2011 with the one from this weekend.


When you step away from your leadership role for a break or vacation, can you relax?

I can because I know those I have left in charge are talented leaders and we are on the same team.

Here are some other reasons:

  •  together my team and I have discussed and agree on our mission
  • our mission is based on a set of core values
  • our core values drive our actions

Here is how it relates to planning worship services and our setlists:

  •  our worship team has agreed upon a set of values for our worship services that support our church’s mission
  • we discuss our worship core values often
  • we review the previous week’s services to determine what went well what didn’t
  • we look closely at the next week’s services and each worship leader is expected to explain what they are trying to accomplish and how it supports our values
  • we begin to look at the services four weeks out, brain storming ideas and evaluating ideas against values

So when it is time for me to step away from leadership or planning I trust my team. We are on the same page of the book…it is all in capable hands.

Here is the setlist that one of our staff, Terry Welborn (T.W.Hale) put together, our team reviewed and he led.


Sunday Setlist for July 22, 2012

Song: I Love You Lord

Scriptures: Psalm 29:2, Psalm 95:6, Psalm 99:5

Song: I Love You Lord (reprise)

Scripture: Hebrews 13:5

Song: Forever

Song: Great I Am


Song: Mighty to Save

Song: I Give You My Heart


This post is my contribution to the blog carnival Sunday Setlists which can be found at the Worship Community.

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