Preparing for Worship: random thoughts

Preparing for Worship: random thoughts

Tomorrow for many is a designated day for worship. What it really should be is another day of worship, a continuation, in a group setting, of what has taken place every other day. Today on my twitter feed I watched the tweets fly with random thoughts about worship. Here are some to them and some more that I have added.


Worship is an act which implied further action is required ... Service (@mxmarsh)

If "worship" does not drive you to action it is not worship (@mxmarsh)

Congregants... thrown down your scorecards before you gather to worship God tomorrow. It's about God's glory, not your amusement (@scottywardsmith)

Here is a blog post to check out: See new blog post "2 b read b4 Sundays"  Have a gr8 day of worship! (@brucefrank1)

Do not worship and serve things men create, make it your thing to worship and serve the Creator of men!

"We design our worship to proclaim the gospel so that others can see His glory dancing in our hearts--and join the dance." Chapell (@michaelhsmith)

"every generation & people group needs to believe that it can contribute to the continuing life & worship of the church" Chapell (@michaelhsmith)

"The chief goal of preachers should be to say what the Holy Spirit has said in the Bible." Chapell (@michaelhsmith)

The church of Jesus Christ requires both continuity w/the past & creativity n the present 2 give testimony 2 the power of the Holy Spirit (@michaelhsmith)

Don't allow what's wrong with you to keep you from doing what's right in worship! Don't let nothing keep you from the throne! (@altheforce)

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