What's Your Plan?

What's Your Plan?

What is your fitness plan for this week? I have an intentional plan to be in the gym or at home doing some type of cardio exercise at least 5 mornings a week. But before I get into the week, I set a plan.

It usually happens on Sunday night. I take a glance at the week ahead and make a plan. Being physically active and intentional about fitness takes planning. The plan changes from week-to-week, but I always create a plan.  If I have an early meeting one morning then I know that has to be my day off. If I have more than one early meeting, then I have to carve out time one afternoon for fitness.

The older I get the more I understand how important it is to have a fitness plan…to stay physically active.  Here are some amazing facts: 70-80% of aging is optional…70-80% of premature death is lifestyle related. 50% of all illness and injuries in the last 1/3 of our life can be eliminated by changing your lifestyle…not delayed until you are older, but ELIMINATED. In other words, what we consider normal aging is not normal.

Creating a fitness plan and carrying it out is not about just living longer, but the possibility of living longer with purpose…being a follower of Christ for as long as you can and being willing to be used by Him for all of those days.

Romans chapter 12 verse 1 statesTherefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing and perfect will of God.

The context we usually apply to this verse has nothing to do with physical health, but I believe this scripture also gives us an insight to the fact that God wants us to have a balanced life which doesn’t follow the convenient or what everyone else is doing.  He wants us to be the best we can be in all aspects of our lives.

Today is Tuesday and I have a fitness plan in place for this week, do you?

An Interrupted Plan

An Interrupted Plan

The Slowest Race

The Slowest Race