Remembering God's Power

My study this week has been in Exodus…the plagues…the exit from Egypt…the first Passover.

Some random thoughts:

Exodus 13:3 “”This is a day to remember forever…” Moses was speaking of the day the Israelites left Egypt. This week we have a few days to remember: Friday…crucifixion and death; and Sunday…triumph over the grave.

Exodus 13:8 “…explain to your children, why you are celebrating.” It’s more than eggs and bunnies it is Christ and the Cross.  Take time to explain it to your children, grandchildren, or anyone you come in contact with.

Exodus 10: 2 “You will be able to tell wonderful stories to your children and grandchildren about the marvelous things I am doing…” I am the third generation in my family, on my Father’s side, to be called to full-time ministry. I remember hearing the stories of God’s Word from past generations and I also remember hearing stories of God’s provision in everyday life to these generations. I have witnessed God’s provision and power in my life. I do want to be faithful to pass the testimony of God’s acts and power to my children and grandchildren.

Exodus 9:14“…I will prove to you that there is no other God like me in all the earth.” God was making a promise to make Himself known by His acts. He displayed His power then and in many more accounts recorded in His word. He continues to be that same God, and allows us to witness His power. And I believe, as He has promised, that He will be same God, forever and ever. I stand on these promises.

Death is swallowed up in victory. O death where is your victory? O death where is you sting? For sin is the sting that results in death... How we thank God, who gives us victory over sin and death Through Jesus Christ our Lord! I Corinthians 15:55-57

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