Where I've Been in 2008

It's not about travel but about a journey through the New Testament that began in the book of Acts.    In 2008 I wanted to read through the Bible again, however, I didn't want to start in Genesis so when we began our year at ClearView in Acts that's where I started.  I am reading from the New Living Translation that has the title of iWorship Daily Devotional Bible.  With each set of chapter readings are posted  thoughts on worship.  Today's reading was in Revelation Chapters 12-14.  One verse, 11:16, starts this way: "This great choir sang a wonderful new song in front of the throne of God..." Can you imagine worship without music...THANK YOU GOD FOR THE GIFT AND TOOL OF MUSIC.  I am so privileged to be able to spend my days around this gift of music and that I have the privilege to lead people in ministry and worship. Sunday is coming and when we get together in just a few days we will be able to join together as a great choir (choir, congregation, band...) and sing before the throne of God. Until then I want to sing and worship and let Sunday be an overflow of my 'practicing the presence' of God.

"If you don't worship...you'll never experience God." David Jeremiah

Practicing God's Presence

Venturing Out