Pass Along What I Taught You

Pass Along What I Taught You

Few can be giving the title of G.O.A.T. Tom Brady is one of the few. However, his mentor might need the same label.

While watching a T.V. news segment on Tom Brady, they took some time to talk with his personal coach Tom Martinez.

Martinez had a passion for conducting private coaching sessions with quarterbacks of all ages and from around the country. Tom Brady considered Martinez his mentor and worked with him every off-season to clean up his mechanics.

In the interview, Martinez made this comments:

I don't do things, not expecting anything back.

I don't need anything except you to pass along what I have taught you. 

Granted, he was probably paid well for his coaching expertise with a resume that included Brady, John Elway, and JaMarcus Russell. With those payments, he probably added money consistently to his savings account. But the accumulation of wealth is not a legacy. Teaching the principle of investing in others is.

Being great at public sport can raise a person's notoriety to heights beyond others and even grant them the title of G.O.A.T.

But, I propose a more significant gift that should have the G.O.A.T. label is the person who invests in others, helping them reach their full potential. It seems Coach Martinez did just that.

…pass along what I taught you.

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