Writing Your Profile

Writing Your Profile

Writing your own profile or introduction can be a daunting task.

Here is a strong introduction:

This letter is from Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus,

chosen by God to be an apostle and sent out to preach his Good News.

That was written centuries ago but doesn't it seem those words could be the first sentence of a LinkedIn or social media profile?

We live in a time when we are often tasked to write the text for our own 'profile.' Whether that be on Facebook, LinkedIn, a company website, or a resume we need to distribute.

Being called on to do this can raise a certain amount of anxiety as we struggle with 'what to say.'

But maybe the struggle is due in part to us reading the numerous profiles we are bombarded with through social media, a political commercial, or a salesman/consultant's pitch.

When reading some of these profiles it doesn't take me long to begin to ask "how can this be true?" "Have they really done all this?"  "Is this really who they are?"

Recently I was informed I needed to update my profile on a website, and I had to write it.

In comes the anxiety...

I knew I needed to list accomplishments, skills and etc.  But how could I do that without seeming overly self-promoting or narcissistic? 

My solution was to uncover what others would say about me...

CONFESSION: I know what I want to be known for, but the only real way to see if I am known for that is to ask others.

I went to some who know me best and asked them to write a recommendation for me on LinkedIn.  I then used those words, in combination,  as a part of the website update.

A true representation of who we are is what others say about us.

Going back to the scripture from Romans 1 we read earlier...

This letter is from Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus,

chosen by God to be an apostle and sent out to preach his Good News.

It seems here, Paul had no problem making a strong opening statement and even used some very descriptive words.

Slave: He was a slave by choice. in Rome they would have understood this term as many of the believers were actually indentured servants. Here Paul is stating he willing surrenders to God, through Christ. (Slavery in an earthly context is wrong. No one should have ever had to endure that lifestyle, nor should anyone in the present day.)

Apostle: He was an apostle...there is an account in the book of Acts where Christ visited Paul and called him to be an Apostle.

Preacher of the Gospel: He was a preacher of the  Gospel...this is why he made the introduction.  He wanted the people to know this is why he was writing the letter to them.  It was all about the Gospel.

In the next 5 verses of this first chapter and really throughout the whole book Paul lays out the Gospel of Christ....the good news. Paul says it very succinctly in another letter: 1 Corinthians 15:3-4

I passed on to you what was most important

and what had also been passed on to me.

Christ died for our sins, just as the Scriptures said. 

He was buried, and he was raised from the dead on the third day,

just as the Scriptures said.

Paul did make a bold statement, giving the people of Rome a glimpse of who he was. And we know from history that he fulfilled his bold statement. Paul demonstrated what he was called to do by doing it...sharing the Gospel. He wrote a strong profile and we know this is what others would say about Him, we have the historical accounts.

Here are some of the things I want to be known for.

  • Live my life, putting Christ first

  • am faithful to do any job that God puts me in

  • I am a leader

  • I lead as a servant

  • I work to accomplish every task with excellence

  • I do all things with integrity

  • I am a good steward of the talents God gave me and the experiences He has led me through.

  • above all I am willing to share the Gospel of Christ...the Good News to anyone I come in contact with.

I can say all that but is only my family, the people I work and do life with will be the ones who determine if my profile is true.

What do you want to be known for?

I challenge you to think about it....

...write it down

But, what about taking it one step further, ask your friends, family and co-workers, what ARE you known for.

Would what I want to write and their words match?

I leave you with Paul's words and I know this to be true:

Christ died for our sins, just as the Scriptures said. 

He was buried, and he was raised from the dead on the third day,

just as the Scriptures said.

and he went on to write a few sentences later

...by the grace of God, I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain.

Thank you God for showing your Grace To Me.

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