How far out front?

How far out front?

Mentor, that is what the back of the shirt says.
Mentor, someone who can help others to press toward a goal.

In two areas of my life, I have one of those shirts. One is a real shirt, it's bright yellow and yes the word mentor is on the back. The second shirt is imaginary but just as real as the first and even more important. The second mentor role is my vocation, my calling, the ministry God has called me to and placed me in.

The privilege of leading a new team comes with the challenge of learning where they are and what pace they are running. Leading a team requires the leader to...

  • Slow down
  • Know where the team is, it's the place to start
  • Push them to their limits
  • Take breaks for recovery
  • Evaluate the progress and process
  • Keep the conversation going
  • Encourage to the end

The leader's pace can be right for him, but be wrong for the team.

Each team member works at their own pace based on personality and talents. The unique and challenging job of the team leader is to move the whole team toward the goal. 



Blogs of the Week, December 9, 2016

Blogs of the Week, December 9, 2016