Talent Reflections

Talent Reflections

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Have you ever wondered why the servant who doubled the five talents got the same reward at the servant who doubled the two entrusted to him? (Matthew 25:14-30)

I have…

…but what I have come to realize is “the master’s identical statements of praise to both servants of what was important was not the total amount earned but faithfulness in utilizing their gifts and potential.”

As I reflect on this passage i have to ask this question.

Am I leaning in and using all the talents God’s has given me, to the best of my ability and potential?

Which leads me to pray this:

God, help me see what you want me to invest, time, skills, and money to further your kingdom. Give me the courage to take risks for the sake of the Gospel. Thank you for helping me understand that leaning in, taking risks, giving and investing is all for my benefit, my growth as a disciple and Your Glory. It’s the way I demonstrate that I want you to be lord over all aspects of my life. 

Let the team work

Let the team work

