A Book Review: The Jesus You Can’t Ignore

The Jesus You Can’t Ignore is written by John MacArthur a pastor from California, well known theologian and speaker. The central theme of the book is that message communicated by Jesus Christ while here on earth was a bold message, one that was not toned down for anyone or anything. MacArthur goes on to state that we should continue to communicate the same message with the same boldness. Throughout the book MacArthur unpacks the dialog and events found in the gospels to support the theme of the book…Jesus message never changed and his communication of the message was bold, never softened for the circumstance or audience.

The second part of the book’s theme is the challenge by MacArthur, to Christ followers today to stand boldly in their faith, the gospel…the message of the cross and not water it down.  MacArthur makes some bold statements about and against some of the trends of churches today where the norm has become to preach thematic feel good sermons in the guise of ‘relevancy.’ He believes these churches are doing harm to the body of Christ by this type of proclamation of the gospel…really a portion of the gospel.

Never in Jesus’ time on earth did He communicate that following Him and His teachings would be easy, in fact just the opposite. Jesus’ challenge was to give up everything for the cause.

I believe that MacArthur is right on track with the theme of “The Jesus You Can’t Ignore,” however I wish he had written a more concise form. I became frustrated reading the book when on almost every page we seem to chase secondary themes or restate the same thought over and over again. Through thorough editing I am sure that this book could have been cut in half and still communicated the same message.

Jesus’ message never changed and He never softened it to please the crowds, in fact just the opposite.  The challenge from the author is true and today more than ever needs to be repeated and lived out: speak the message of Christ boldly, make disciples of men…not just good people who believe in a God.

This post is my contribution to the blog carnival Booksneeze by Thomas Nelson publishers. The copy of the book I read was provided by Thomas Nelson publishers.

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