Leadership Behaviors...accept instruction


This is a continuation of a series of posts laying out some Leadership Behaviors that I try to model to both the staff and volunteers I lead. 

“You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” or “You are never too old to learn.” I am going with the second statement.  You might not be able to teach an old dog new tricks, but I don’t think you are ever too old to learn. The older I get the hungrier I get to try to better myself, learn new things related to the career I am in or learn new things just for the fun of it.

As it relates to my job, the place God has given me to minister, I try constantly to learn new things, evaluate old things and listen  carefully to what others say to me so that I can be what God wants me to be.  As I get older I want to make sure it is not said of me that I am stuck in the past or ‘he has not changed how he does things in years.”  There is value in remembering the past and building on the past and bringing into the present the very best.

Another way I want to be open to instruction is be willing to listen to the ideas and critique of those I work with.  Most certainly that critique comes from the supervisor but some of the best critique comes from my peers and those I supervise. The hardest part of accepting this type of instruction is stopping and listening.  This is where I have to constantly remind myself to engage and be intentional in conversations, whether they transpire in a meeting or in the hallway.

My prayer is that I will always have a desire to learn. I will continue to pray that God will open doors for me to learn the things that will give me better insight to serve Him better.


Jeremiah 32:33


My people have turned their backs on me and have refused to return. Even though I diligently taught them, they would not receive instruction or obey 

Proverbs 23:12

Commit yourself to instruction; listen carefully to words of knowledge.


Proverbs 19:27

If you stop listening to instruction, my child, you will turn your back on knowledge.

Living a Life of Worship

Moving Books from one list to another