What's your pace?

What's your pace?

People run at different paces.
To enjoy running you don’t have to run at a particular pace.
At most group runs there will be someone running your pace…

….whether that is a 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 minute a mile pace.

When the Breakfast Club Run gathers each week, not everyone runs the same pace.

Meeting for the BCR can be about running with friends who travel at your pace but it can also be about the accountability of knowing someone is expecting you.

I believe that we are all created to move and the more we move the longer we get to move.

If you want accountability we can help.

If you want someone to run with, come give us a try. We can even help you find a partner at your pace or bring your pacing friend with you. 

We run every Thursday 5:30 AM and we start at Fleet Feet Huntsville.

Flat As A Pancake

Flat As A Pancake

The route for August 10, 2017

The route for August 10, 2017