Value & Impact Communication

Value & Impact Communication

These three words, value & impact communication, have been churning in my mind for weeks. I think these three words can and should be an excellent motivator for a team member. In other words, these three words need to be used by anyone leading a team.

The first two are the subjects of the third, and these should be used throughout a team member's tenure, let me explain.

There is no shortage of books, articles, and podcasts published on the importance of communication. Therefore I will only agree, and say, constant, consistent communication with employees is powerful and necessary for collaboration and excellent execution.

So why the other two words.

Value: "who they are".

Some leaders tend to only see the team member in light of what they bring to the success of the team. However, I believe we must first see the team member as a person and communicate that clearly. When a team member first enters the organization, we know them through the interview process. As time moves on, it is the leader’s responsibility to get to know the person even better. Ask questions, find out more about their life, family, hobbies, etc. That simple action demonstrates, and I speak from experience, the leader’s concern for the employee as a person.

Impact: "talent and actions” which influence the team.

If the team member is a contributor to the team, tell them. If, however, the team member is not living up to communicated exceptions tell them — both ways, they are impacting the organization.

As a leader, the team is the most critical asset. As a leader, I want my team to know that’s how I feel. I also want to make sure they know I value them as a unique person and not just for what they can bring to the team. However, I do want them to know I am thankful for what they bring to the team.

Two words plus one action can help a team and organization make progress: value & impact communication.

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