Even When I Am Not Still

I have often used the scripture 'be still and know that I am God' to remind myself and others to stop and listen for God. I often allow the noise of the day interfere with God's voice. This morning the scripture came to mind as I sat on my back deck for breakfast....it was then that I noticed God and His creation.

  • the clouds were building for anticipated rain
  • the robin tried to pull a string from a yard stake
  • two robins chased each other around the yard
  • a mother robin made numerous trips from the ground to her nest construction carrying objects often longer than her body
  • a bird dive bombed a squirrel as it tried to move toward her nest
  • two squirrels met on my fence and performed a dance

I was quiet and I recognized God surrounding me.

It is not just on my back deck...but everywhere I am today...God is there...even when I am not still or quiet.


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