Four Questions the people you lead are asking

Question mark

In a presentation on "Motivating Volunteers, You Lead." The presenter listed four questions every person you lead is asking:

  • What am I supposed to do?

  • Will you let me do it?

  • Will you help me when I need it?

  • Will you let me know how I am doing?

From the very beginning of trying to fill a position and throughout a lead/follower relationship, paid or volunteer, any leader would be wise to keep these questions near and refer to them often.  The questions can help leaders:

  • Communicate the expectations of the task.

  • Empower those assigned the task.

  • Support the volunteer or staff when help is needed.

  • Stay out of the way when we are not needed.

  • Evaluate honestly the performance.

Are there other questions that should be added to the list?

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