Twitter, Facebook & Prayer

Social media has invaded most of our lives. I guess that statement should have a disclaimer: ‘if you allowed it to.’ I am one of those that have allowed it to become a part of my life and I am very thankful.  In this fast paced world, social networking has become a way to stay connected with family, friends and even those I work for and with.

One of the social networking tools I use is Twitter.  This tool is a great way to connect with people with similar interests and with friends.  An unexpected connection is how Twitter can become a ‘prayer chain.’ In the last few weeks I have received Twitters asking for prayers.  Twitter is real-time communication and the prayer requests are for something that is taking place right then.

The following is a group of tweets sent by Pastor and Author Max Lucado while he was ministering and attending a service in Honduras.

•    Time 2 go to the crusade- leaving hotel for the immense field where 10s of 1000s will gather.
•    I'm in Honduras w/ Mike Silva. The festival is live on-line - Google "Enlace". Mike preaches. I smile and pray:) pray with me!
•    Could I ask you to pray one more time? The crowd is restless, distracted. Mike is preaching his heart out, but it's a battle. Dear, Lord..
•    Amazing! A peace has settled over the crowd. They are listening!
•    Every raised hand is professing faith in Jesus. Thank you for praying. Thank you Lord for listening
•    Last tweet of the night is a huge thanks to all who prayed! God uses Twitter!

Just this week I received this request:
•    OK Twitter peeps. Please pray for friends of mine as they minister to a woman who is considering suicide. Prayers needed all around!

I even know of a small church in Georgia whose pastor needed a way to communicate quickly with his deacons and prayer leaders.  The pastor asked all of them to sign up for Twitter and now he can send one brief text message and the prayers of people and for situations are being voiced to God.

My personal story: over Christmas my family experienced a tragedy, while the event was taking place I sent out a short Twitter asking for prayer. Almost immediately I received twitters from people saying they were praying; people I knew and people I had only connected with through Twitter. And this past Sunday I sent out a request for prayer and again I received responses, immediately. (I have Twitter set up to interface with Facebook, so that all Twitters show up as status changes on Facebook. Many of the responses came through Facebook.)

I don’t know how long Twitter or other social network tools will be around. I do know they can be used affectively to communicate and to support each other through prayer.

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