Content or Preference?

Does the congregation know that there is a logical progression to the worship service? Do they see that we are leading them through a re-telling of the Gospel?

I don't know.

Would it matter if we just built our services on our favorite songs or the ones that the congregation sings the best?


We have a great privilege and responsibility to plan services that reflect how God speaks of Himself, in a progression, that is evident in God's Word and gives everyone an opportunity to adequately respond to that revelation from God.

I am convinced that planning services on personal preferences misses the intent of corporate worship.

We engage in corporate worship to: hear from God, respond to God, learn about God, respond to what we have learned, be reminded of the grace of God through His Son, respond to that revelation and hear God's call to surrender and respond appropriately.

Some weeks we do better at this than others, but re-telling this Story of God and giving us all a chance to respond is our goal.

Here is our attempt at helping the congregation engage in this conversation of 'revelation' and 'response' this week.

Revelation Song: Awesome is the Lord Most High (this includes a call to respond)

Revelation: what does God say about worship Scripture: Ephesians 5:19-20


Song: There is One Reason

Revelation: what God says about Him and His plan for us Scripture: Ephesians 4:3-6 Scripture: Psalm 62:1-2, 5-8

Response Song: Psalm 62

Revelation: God's plan of salvation Scripture: Ephesians 1:3-8, 2:4-5

Response Song: Jesus Paid It All (O praise the One...) Song: Love You So Much

Revelation Sermon: Jonah Chapter 4

Response Prayer of personal commitment


This post is my contribution to the blog carnival Sunday Setlists which is found at The Worship Community.


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