Preparing for Worship: the still small Voice

Saturdays are just one day away from Sunday worship services; however, we will be no closer to God tomorrow than any other day of the week.  What we often forget is that Sunday worship services are a time when believers join together in worship but they are not the only day of worship.  If we have a relationship with God then each personal act can become an action of worship.


A part of the conversation of worship is the willingness to listen to ‘the still small voice’ that whispers in our ear everyday. As with any conversation, including the conversation of worship there are moments of verbalizing our thoughts and then there are those moments when we listen. I find that it is much easier to speak to God than listen to God. I also find that the more time I give to active listening to God the more accustomed I become to his voice. A. W. Tozer wrote in God's Pursuit of Man:


“We may be sure of one thing, that for our deep trouble there is no cure apart from a visitation, yes, an invasion of power from above. Only the Spirit Himself can show us what is wrong with us and only the Spirit can prescribe the cure.”


Listening to the Spirit is something I must actively practice. The more I am willing to listen, the more I am willing to act on what ‘the still small voice’ is saying.


I ask myself this question: “how often do I ignore the voice of the Lord?” More that I should…but I am working on it.

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